First Snowfall

We recently experienced our first snow fall of the season. We received around 2 inches of snow in mid-October. The average first snow fall does not normally occur until early November and the first measurable snow does not normally occur until mid- to late- November so it was a bit earlier than normal. The almanacs are predicting a heavier than average snowfall for the season – we are off to a good start. For reference, average snowfall is over 100 inches per year.

First Snow Fall with Fall Foliage in the background

First Snow Fall with Fall Foliage in the background

Click through for more pictures of the first snowfall.

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Fall Foliage Photos

The past week or two was near the peak for fall foliage this year. The woods on our property have a large percentage of maple trees, so the initial color change is primarily to yellow, but there are also other trees with deeper oranges and reds.

For those who couldn’t make it out into the country-side during peak season for leaf viewing, here are some photos of our property decked out in full fall colors.

Fall Colors 1

Click through to see many more photos of the changing leaves.

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Reflections on the First 3 Months

The first three months on the farm have really flown by.

Summer has now turned to autumn and the green leaves have mostly turned to yellows, oranges and reds. We saw our first measurable snow fall of the season this past weekend (approximately 2 weeks earlier than average – more on this for a later post).

Here is a short video of the goats running across the pasture to greet us. The goats have a lot more individual personality than I would have guessed before moving to the farm.

Now is a good time to look back and reflect on the start of the adventure.

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Bear With Us

Recently, we noticed one evening that our goats seemed to be acting a bit strangely, like they were skittish. They were staying fairly close together near the barn while looking at a far corner of the pasture. They were very focused on that far corner like they were alert for a predator.

We couldn’t see any animals or anything else of significance in that area, but we turned the electric fence on that evening just in case.

What was it?

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The View from the Top

Even though we moved in over the summer, I just recently had the chance to walk through our woods all the way to the end of our property on the top of the mountain. The farthest we had been previously up the mountain was to the bottom of the waterfall; we had never made it all the way to the top of the mountain.

A view of Song Lake from half way up the mountain.

A view of Song Lake from half way up the mountain.

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